According to a study by EventMB, 35 to 40 percent of the events didn’t have any Black speakers in their panels in 2020. And there was no research or data to be found on LGBTQIA speakers.

When corporations or non-profits deprive their events of marginalized communities’ perspectives, leadership, and resourcefulness, they limit the reach of their mission and do a disservice to their guests’ experience.

Diversity is not about being a buzzword or afterthought in the process, it’s about allowing everyone to benefit from the richness in knowledge and experience that comes from different perspectives.

So here’s how we consistently deliver one-of-a-kind, educational, thrilling, and inclusive experiences that’s good for businesses and guests.

  • Create Inclusive Content

    From accessible website design, diverse speakers on panels, inclusive imagery, and graphics in prominent view, and de-gendering language on marketing materials, I will curate your special event or fundraiser’s content to reflect the diverse communities your companies serve.

  • Personalize and Surprise

    Events are about delivering experiences attendees won’t forget, and the most memorable events are those that are tailor-made. That’s why I focus not only on marketing your brand throughout the event, I ensure guests feel like they are having an individualized experience from the moment they register. I place a big emphasis on storytelling, technology, interaction, and easter eggs.

  • Analyze Engagement Insight & Metrics

    From a senior event management perspective, diversity and inclusion in events is a commitment to equity and has ongoing and intentional efforts. So every successful event I produce has post-event actions and activities incorporated that will help you set organization targets, measure your progress and hold yourself accountable. The benefit of this is that you reach a wider audience that connects to your mission and drives people to make purchases and donations.